4 years ago
Alala...ils se le garde au chaud le pti Yone...du coup faudra attendre vendredi :/
mais bon apparement ses sorts on leaké sur Reddit ça serait ca en gros :
His Q has a bleed
His W will Swing his left katana horizontally and block everything (except targetable ults and summs) with a gush of wind and then follow it up with a vertical slash with his right katana (I dont understand this part too much, i think it could be kinda like Fiora's parry)
He can stack whats called "carnage".
His ult is a straight line blink, a really long one it happens instantly so it is not anything like akali's ult, her's is a dash. Yone's more of like Virgil's Judgement cut from devil may cry. Everything hit within this line gets knocked up. It has a really cool animation/effect.
en soit ça paraît assez cohérent vu que le R est la dernière animation d’attaque qu’on voit dans l’anime ( et ça ferait une bonne synergie avec l’ult de Yasuo)
mais bon apparement ses sorts on leaké sur Reddit ça serait ca en gros :
His Q has a bleed
His W will Swing his left katana horizontally and block everything (except targetable ults and summs) with a gush of wind and then follow it up with a vertical slash with his right katana (I dont understand this part too much, i think it could be kinda like Fiora's parry)
He can stack whats called "carnage".
His ult is a straight line blink, a really long one it happens instantly so it is not anything like akali's ult, her's is a dash. Yone's more of like Virgil's Judgement cut from devil may cry. Everything hit within this line gets knocked up. It has a really cool animation/effect.
en soit ça paraît assez cohérent vu que le R est la dernière animation d’attaque qu’on voit dans l’anime ( et ça ferait une bonne synergie avec l’ult de Yasuo)